She is dusk and dawn, optimism and hope, the illumination and the enlightenment – she is renewal and adventure – giving and receiving and nourishing - she is who we are – she is the Sun.
No matter the war, internal or worldly – the agreements we make, to ourselves or others - the human condition, bound and tangled through eons of time - the memoir of contraction and expansion, whispered down the lane, immortalized and etched into the walls of humanity – longing to be unraveled by the miraculous – the unnamed, the untethered, the untamed –
It’s easy to succumb to the madness that surrounds us, laying waste to the spaces within – we hold tightly to ‘long ago and far away’ while yearning for what’s yet to be imagined - we reach into the depths so we can touch the sky – and one by one, we slay the illusions of protest clouding our vision, and slowly, over time, one step at a time, we befriend our vulnerability –
The Light of the Earth begs us to follow the arc of her dream - when lateral living is threadbare, when half-truths we explained away somehow summon the courage to finally and simply fall away - we intuitively keep our eyes on the horizon in body and soul - our postures sway to and fro, and we find a way - to look up – to follow her lead - the glory of her reflection revealing the magnificence of our destiny – a richly textured existence - the seeker fulfilled, thankful and surrendered –
‘Divide and Conquer’ is not her specialty – Illumination is - of the baby steps of defiance and self-discovery, of exploring the nuances of authority and authenticity - of when we reach for her, arms open wide, thirsty for guidance, those pure, unscripted moments of exaltation, when there is nothing we can carry with us, save our hope and willingness to be anew -
On a day like today, or yesterday, or any day, we can honor the Sun as a cherished companion – no hiding, no secrets, no darkness – Sol to Soul - permission to witness, to linger a bit – to inhale the whole truth, the one we’ve dreamt to life through all eternity -
ⓒ Dr. Lauren Nappen - Please share these words of wisdom with the author included.
Dr. Lauren Nappen
Office: 215.794.0606
Text: 215.815.2729